Welcome to InTime Magazine!

As time goes on the mental picture of my magazine gets clearer and clearer. My aim for this product in regards to target market and such would be towards a male audience, ages 21-55, with a higher socio-economic status; let's be honest, most of the watch enthusiasts of the world have some money to spare. (Here, WatchTime Magazine's advertising page shows us their reach of 600,000+ "affluent watch collectors") This lends my magazine to market itself quite perfectly as a premium, subscription based issue. Furthermore, this leads to some things to keep in mind when creating the cover and content... I'd like to avoid cluttering my cover page with cover stories, which is a lot easier to do for a subscription magazine as I don't need to "sell" it as much with the cover. In my mind, the cover is a natural extension of the artistic aesthetic that this magazine is geared to be. Here's a quick mockup of the minimalist clean idea I had. I...